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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

BEAST's Shadow

I has been a while ^^ everyone was doing their solo activities.. D: YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN MISSED. To be honest. As much as I like this song, I DON'T WANT TO WATCH THIS MV.. but for you guys, I will.
  • There's a snake.. there's a snake.. there's a snake.. there's a snake.. I wanna barf..
  • There's a LOT of mist/fog on the floor, in a room and someone.. Kikwang? is dancing in it 
  • Hyunseung has like a dangly elephant tusk or some kind of bone earring.
  • Oh way.. Kikwang is a red head.. so the person dancing in the beginning was Junhyung? O_________O IDK .. comment below LOL
  • All that paint on that one person's face..
  • Are those worms? D:
  • Those chandlers are pretty ^^
  • All that black paint.. AND I HEAR YOSOEB'S VOICE ^^
  • Hyunseung looks REALLY GOOD BLONDE.. he looks REALLY GOOD WITH RED HAIR TOO... WHAT IS THIS MADNESS. just like rage and hyperventilate LOL
  • He's vocals.. their vocals.. oh my gosh.. my feels.. I'll stop LOL
  • Yoseob's veins in his neck when he sings... OH GOD.
  • Doojoon <3 that's all I have to say for now
  • Yoseob got them veins in his arms too.. I'm like drooling D:
  • Those camera effects are cool
  • Dongwoon's English ^^ Give me the light light light.. You are my my my sunrise .. something in Korean I think LOL. HE REALLY LOOKS LIKE A FOREIGNER 
  • So like Junhyung was rapping.. and then like his eyes go like O_______O WTF.. freaked me out..
  • There's like a HUGE statue of a head in the back drop LOL
  • That light.. looks like God is looking down at them ^^
  • and there's like paper? feathers? something falling on them
  • That dance.. I wanna learn it.. but it looks so hard.. 
  • Because I'm shadow, shadow, shadow..
  • That girl in the end.. she's scary.. 
SONG.. AWESOME.. DANCE AWESOME.. BEAST IS A BEAST AND IS THE BEAST.. can I just leave it like this? I'll add more if you guys want more LOL.. I think their going to have a come back soon and BTOB just dropped their new MV today.. that's how behind we are LOL.

OMG. BEAST IS BACK. They were all busy with their own schedule and they finally came back. I heard that there was a hype for this song. I really don't want BEAST to disappoint us. But this MV wasn't my favorite because they did have those things that I never liked.

  • Who's half naked with full body paint all over at the beginning?
  • OH MY GOD. I got scared by the snake again. -___-
  • I got scared by the freaking tarantula -__________-".
  • Hyunseung had one earring on one side.
  • Is Hyunseung's hair white?
  • What were the things flying around in the air? I thought they were feathers at first LOL.
  • I SAW A SCORPION -_____-.
  • I am not feeling Junhyung's hair when he's sitting down.
  • Whoever does the face paint on is scary looking.
  • I liked the plack paint dripping down on the white brick wall :O.
  • Hyunseung has white eyeliner on?
  • Why is there fog?
  • That hair style makes Yoseob look so mature. I want the cutie Yoseob back D:.
  • Doojoon always looks like the only one with the least makeup on.
  • The dance looks kind of addicting because it looks easy. 
  • What's up with the girl.
  • Kikwang looking good with his red hair :D.
  • The computer effects that they put on this MV is cool and it really matches.
  • I liked the cracked and broken glass :O.
  • Dongwoon will always look foreign to me and he's looking hot ;).
  • Omgosh the girl and the "reflected" side of her with the face paint is so creepy.
  • The dog reminds me of Harry Potter LOL.The three headed dog? IDK how but it does. 
  • Junhyung should never and I repeat NEVER flip his eyes and show only the white part.
  • Were they dancing on town that had a earthquake?
  • "Because I'm shadow, shadow, shadow" :D.
  • This song is good and they didn't disappoint me :D
  • It's also very addicting with the "because I'm shadow, shadow, shadow".
  • The MV is something I would never watch again. 
  • Again I don't understand why the girl is there.
Thanks again BEAST for the wonder song! 

"Because I'm shadow, shadow, shadow": [BEAST "Shadow" MV Reaction]

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