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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bangtan Boys' We Are Bulletproof Pt.2

If you watched our video reaction to this, you will learn that I am quite obsessed with this group, and I can tell you that obsessions aren't that health. My obsession has gotten to the point where I.............. did background research on them, went to Korea, went to their fansignings, went to all their broadcasts, and stalked them to their dorms.. NO I DIDN'T LOL. I DON'T GOT THAT MUCH MONEY.. I did research them tho, like I know quite a bit about some of the members, even tho they are rookies, because they are just that unique and different from other kpop groups. I have read a lot of fanaccounts where fans go to their fansignings and I watched a lot of broadcasts on Youtube but that's about it.. Nothing to drastic, I SWEAR I'M NOT A SASAENG FAN </3. As I said before, I watched most their music show broadcasts, so like I ALREADY KNOW THIS SONG, because they sang it for their comeback stage ^^ with NO MORE DREAM AYEE.. so like yeahh I just show you guys some cool things I noticed.
  • RAP MON and his stick ^^ he be the king <3 there's one with a money sign and then there's one with a diamond, I think
  • Jungkook singing.. if you listen with headphones in, EARGASM.. maybe LOL
  •  ABS FLASH.. V shows.............. his........... nipple........... too.. nipple slipple LOL ^^ 

  • SUGA used a LOT of hand motion things when he was rapping.. still cute tho ^^
  • His ski googles has like lights on the side..
  • He got them clear frames on top of his beanie 
  • V's vocals, DEEP MAN DEEP OR IS IT HUSKY? Oh woah oh wooaahh oh. WE SHOUT IT OUT ^^ 
  • Jimin's vocals are pretty deep too..
  • Jimin's biceps or triceps.. SO HOT *DIES*

  • DID Y'ALL SEE HIS SMIRK AT LIKE 1:33 .. at the side view OMGGEE you need to stop.. I SWEAR
  • the sudden wardrobe changes. I LIKE IT (: like you probably wouldn't even notice if you weren't paying attention, but like who wouldn't pay attention to these boys.. so that means THAT ALL Y'ALL NOTICED :O sighhh I contradict myself..
  • J-Hope.. sighhh, their English is pretty ghetto
  • Jin's "Everywhere I go, everything I do.." something things in Korean that I can't repeat.. WHY HE SO PRETTY? 
  • V and he's face at Wassup.. TOO CUTE ^^
  • THAT DANCE BREAK THO.. it looks more clean here.. the time is at 3:28
  • just watch the hats..
  • Jimin's flip :O
Yup, that's about it.. hehehe.. so if you didn't get that thingy with the hats during the dance break.. I'll explain it here I guess.. So at the beginning.. J-Hope comes out ( I just realized that I didn't say anything about J-Hope D: , I'll be back LOL, I HAD A GIF TOO -_______-) 
hhehehheehhe ^^ so like as I was saying, the dance break. So like J-Hope starts it off, with some.. I really don't know them dancing terms so I'm gonna wing it LOL. He sorta fell onto the floor and then picked himself back up, does some fancy pants moves and then bends over BACKWARDS and Jimin flies over. Now, Jimin has a CAP in his hand that wasn't there in ANY OF THE TAKES OF THE VIDEO, this is the same with the live broadcasts too. Jimin does some fancy moves too and he quickly throws the cap to Jungkook, who also has a cap on that was never there.. Jungkook does a dance with the caps and eventually throws them both out of the shot. BUT in the back, you can see that Jimin is either putting on a cap or already has one on.. MY ONLY QUESTION IS WHERE DO THEY KEEP THIS CAPS.. in their pants? OLALA.. LOL ^^ hehe that's it. 'till next time?

ONE MORE THING. credits to owners of the gifs, pngs, an videos ^^

Hello world! I realized that the girl above is a little too hyper^. Calm down. Yes, she's obsessed, and yes, she's crazy (LOL), and yes, she fangirls. But who doesn't? It's ok. LOL. I do that too. I actually have high hopes for this rookie group because they are talented and young. By young I mean that there are three members that are younger than me. -___- No me gusta! (I learned Spanish, so I can use Spanish >:D) I think that one day they will become famous. Well, I hope that one day, I wouldn't have to find kat^ in the hospital from major nose bleeding LOL. Anyways, I'll start with my list. 

  • I swear the J-Hope resembles Lee Joon in different angles.
  • I can't get over the fact that three members are younger than me.
  • The Big Hit logo is annoying LOL. It took 7 seconds.
  • Rap Monster had the skeleton bracelet thing like in INFINITE's "Destiny".
  • I like the awesome lyrics that just pops up.
  • Did Jung Kook just say his own name in his part of the song.
  • He's dressed as a goalie.
  • I got flashed -____-.
  • V got a nip slip.
  • SUGA and his skateboard. He reminds me of GD and Taeyanf mixed.
  • Do I see some of those long socks again?
  • Jimin in a jersey.
  • this concept is so Americanized to me. Like an American thing.
  • Does J-Hope have a bandana under his hat?
  • Rap Monster seriously looks like a Blasian.
  • The floor was checkered and the background was just black. It's plain but not too plain.
  • Rap Monster said his name in the song.
  • He is holding a cane with the money sign.
  • What's up with the "click click bang bang" though :/.
  • The break dancing was so cool. that needs right timing and a healthy body.
  • How do they throw the cap and then catches it and the person who threw the cap has another one. Endless supplies of caps, I guess.
  • This song is pretty dope though.
  • The dance was so bad ass. 
I'll stop before anything happens LOL. 'Til next time, 

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