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Saturday, August 10, 2013

130810 FOOD.. ^^

So like today, MY DAD WOKE MY UP AT EIGHT O'CLOCK... to take care of his relatives flight tickets and I honestly don't know why he didn't do that like months ago.. or maybe even yesterday -______-" LIKE WOULDN'T YOU BE PISSED IF SOMEONE WOKE YOU AT EIGHT AND USED ONLY LIKE TWO MINUTES OF MY TIME -_________-" yeahh.. so like I didn't get to go back to sleep because of my stupid habit since I was like 7? So I watch Jjang videos on Youtube from Mnet America ^^ . 

At 12 when I got hungry, I decided to go downstairs... But I didn't really want to eat? I was going to only eat a banana.. BUT I SAW THE LEFT OVER KIMCHI AND RICE.. so I was like Kimchi Fried Rice it is.. So this is basically how I made it? I didn't exactly follow a recipe.. THere was no recipe actually. I just remember watching it being made on the drama Coffee Prince ^^.. 

So what I did first was take some of that leftover Kimchi, I took all of the kimchi I had because there wasn't that much to begin with BECAUSE IT WAS REALLY LEFT OVERS ^^ . Then I just began to like chop it into small pieces.. Like, imagine bite size for babies??? I dunno LOL Try to dry your kimchi as much as possible? so you don't have like kimchi juice on your cutting board (assuming that you are using one) and it wont stain your fingers as much ^^ .

Next I got some spam (this was leftover too -_______-), CAUSE I LOVE ME SOME SPAM and I just diced it on the same cutting board... 

After I put a pan on the stove.. I would recommend a big pan because like... things were falling out D: MY PRECIOUS KIMCHI FRIED RICE D: . I put some oil on it.. So, it won't stick and then I put the spam in to cook for a while. After I assumed the spam was done.. you know just as long as it isn't burnt it's fine ^^ throw in the kimchi and stir it? 

Next you take your leftover rice and you throw it into pan.. stir it a little to like heat up the rice.. And put in some kimchi juice to give your fried rice that nice vibrant color and taste LOL.. MY BIG WORDS :D 

IGNORE THE BANANA---------------->

Now these two steps are optional. Well, the spam was optional too.. But you can throw in an egg into your kimchi fried rice if you wanted too ^^.. Like right now you be a good time LOL.. Just like mix it in together to make sure that your egg is cooked and well combine.. 

<--------this is my sister cracking an egg because I was stirring.. We actually put two in because one wasn't enough.. 

THE BEST PART.. AND AGAIN, this is optional. BUT YOU CAN PUT LIKE A SLICE OF PROCESSES CHEESE IN YOUR FRIED RICE ^^. Like I know this sounds and looks disgusting BUT LIKE they do it in like ALL THEM DRAMAS AND LIKE REALITY SHOWS AND umm what else VARIETY SHOW.. so like IT can't be that bad... and they put it in their ramyun so like I'm not that weird :P .

So like a weirdo, I decided to stick it into my rice ^^ it was still hot SO IT MELTED ^^ . 

So this is like the ending result.. this is actually just half of what I cooked.. the other half I gave to my sister AND THIS MADE ME WAY TO FULL ALREADY LOL.. can you see the cheese sticking out? 

SO the taste.. It tasted very kimchi-y. And there was a bit too much spam but you can never have too much spam ^^. BUT, there wasn't enough rice.. I ALREADY KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS ARE THINKING... NOT ENOUGH RICE?! right? but yeahh there wasn't enough rice cuz we generally eat very little rice and there is usually very little leftovers.. well a lot in our case LOL.. the color.. it wasn't that red as I expected it to be... maybe the egg killed the color. D: STUPID EGG. 

The only reason I cook like once a month.. would most likely be this reason.. I NEED TO WASH THE DISHES.. like I already have to wash the dishes after dinner for like my family to nights a week. I'm fine with that sometimes, you know if there isn't too much dishes, BUT CLEANING UP AFTER MYSELF. It's just like a NO.. but I'm gonna have to start D: STUPID COLLEGE AND THE COSTS.. (this is another story and I'm rabbling LOL ) 

Okay, so like I was so FULL AFTER I ATE THIS.. but like there was this super ripe banana.. and I like just didn't want someone else to eat it.. SO like I ate it.. BUT WHEN I WAS PEELING THE SKIN or the top off.. It came off like this.. I'M LIKE WHAT IS THIS MADNESS... yeahh LOL 


SO like I remember this one time in school.. this was like sophomore year, I think, during lunch and we where talking about bananas and like how... we... peeled.. it? because we are so weird? LOL, no. It was because there was this friend and umm.. how do I say it without scaring you guys? Well, it's not even that scary LOL, but like he didn't ripe the banana from like one of the ends of the banana, but like he sorta mashed it in the middle and then tore it apart... YEAHH he was weird ^^ LOL.. so like how do you guys peel your bananas? where the stem is or at the butt? or at the ummmm? is there another way ? 


No, I just joking it's just diced... 







the umm

KIMCHII . So it's like Kimchi soup or is it just juice? OR DID I CUT MYSELF? O________O

I didn't hurt myself, till next time,

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