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Monday, July 29, 2013

130729 Catching Up with Kat

So, it has been a while since I wrote a blog.. Now, you guys might be wondering.. "what have you been up to?" Or you guys might not care... But I'm going to type regardless LOL. So it has actually been like eight weeks since I graduated from high school.. this makes me feel so old. And it has also been eight weeks since I have seen ANY of my friends since graduation, besides "S.now" of course.. because we meet like almost every Monday to film reaction videos.. We actually haven't been able to meet because we had to go down for college orientations and ours were on different days. For those of you wondering.. YES, we are going to the same college and hopefully YES HOPEFULLY, we will be rooming with each other.. Wish us luck and that we wont bicker at each other :P . 

Today, actually I met up with "T" and ummm.. we hung out.. "S.now" and "C" was suppose to meet up with us too... But some things popped up.. I'm not exactly sure what. Honestly, we went shopping and window shopping and more shopping LOL.. We ate a lot too in a way.. We came over to my house for lunch.. and umm drank.... THAI TEA and forgot to eat CHEESECAKE D:. That was terrible.. I haven't eaten any since I gave a lot to "T" and like I offered and like I forgot.. Don't know if that made any sense LOL. 

So recently as mentioned above, I went down to the college in attending in the fall for orientation (I'm not sure if I should say which one I'm going to) and I had fun. I got the impression that it was going to be a bit boring from other people's previous experiences.. But you just have to experience it yourself to tell if it was boring or fun. This is my take from this experience. Down at orientation, I meet VERY nice people. There was a very nice SoCal girl who was Korean and we sort of bonded over our major and books. YES WE LOVE TO READ, but there was like a big difference in books that we like to read. On the second day, I meet girls that were in my HALL THAT WAS FROM SF TOO.. Either I wasn't paying attention OR I'm very slow because I was pretty surprised.. We bonded over KPOP ^^v I would tho LOL. Like the moment I saw Zelo's matoki on the girl's ear plug thingy? [insert picture here & finger snap] it's the blue one of course :P

Towards the end of the orientation, there was like a touch game with your hall mates.. Where you would sit in a circle and have your backs facing the middle, meaning your front would face the outside of the circle.. Awkward explanation [insert cricket sounds]. And like a group of randomly selected people would get up and touch someone who : made them smile, inspired them to do something new, opened up and other things along the line of that. I think I might have weirded people out while playing that game, because like out of no where, I started to tear up and like my nose started to run.. Not really a pretty moment D: Like even though orientation was only for like two days and one night and I only saw the people for like 24 hours, I feel that we bonded in some way and I didn't really want it to end, and the game was pretty touching (LOL the pun, not really). You were suppose to like poke or pat the person, but for some reason, some people gave back rubs... I'M JUST LIKE WHY? It felt nice tho, I would kill for a back rub now.. 

Oh, you know how I said that I needed to take my written test to get my permit in a previous blog? I got it on the tenth of July. Congrats to me ^^. I feel accomplished now.. Gonna start on the actual driving lessons soon, everyone get off the road LOL. Cuz I'm like REALLY, I mean REALLY, scared of driving.. LIKE REALLY.. Did I stress on the REALLY?

So I had to fly back from orientation because it was actually that far and I happened to sit next to an old classmate of mine. I knew him, YES it's a guy LOL, and I knew him since kindergarten? Well, we went to the same school from like K-8 and like for one hour we just talked about like everything. We are going to the same college. He promised to teach me how to game if I ever wanted to learn LOL. I don't think I'm going to start, don't want to get addicted. And my younger sister games and she sort of broke the space bar? I have to click on it hecka hard just to have a space in between words D: .

OH, DID I MENTION THAT I'M FINALLY GOING TO THE SAME SCHOOL WITH ONE OF MY COUSINS? This is like a first. Like back in middle school, we promised that we would either get into the same high school or college. But I moved away, but still in the city so high school was out. And for colleges we were actually debating between the same colleges, but I thought she was going to the different college, but it turns out that she chose the same college as me ^^. I don't think she chose it for me tho LOL. 

Sorry if this post confused you because I was just jumping around, that there was no specific topic and it didn't really flow. I was just writing that came to mind. Need to work on the reaction/review blogs now.

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